

by Gary Naler

The number 666 used in Revelation 13:18 can also be the number 616. If you have a New American Standard Bible, for example, you will notice in the margin a reference to this number stating - "Some manuscripts read 616."

In Del Washburn's comprehensive book, Theomatics II, he states at the beginning of Chapter 20 on the subject of 666 -

"This chapter may be the most revealing chapter of this book." His is a 643 page book, and indeed, the evidence he gives in this chapter supporting that 616 is the number of the beast and not 666, is in his own words "overwhelming"! He goes on to say regarding his first book he wrote on theomatics - "I have in a certain sense regretted that I ever put the chapter on 666 in my first book. At the time I felt compelled to 'say something' about this number because of its popularity." He goes on to say - "I found virtually no pattern of 666 in all the references from the Bible that could in any way relate to Revelation chapter 13." To the contrary though, he discovered an overwhelming amount of evidence that 616 is the number given for the beast in Revelation. "It is one of the most consistent designs I have ever discovered from the Old Testament." And from the New Testament, there is this kind of striking evidence - "the beast" (Revelation 13:2), "the harlot" (1 Corinthians 6:16), "evil" or "wickedness" (Matthew 12:45), and "deceived" (1 Timothy 2:14), all have a numeric value of 616. "Mystery Babylon" has a numeric value of 616 x 3. "The great harlot sitting upon" has a numeric value of 616 x 2. And the impressive list goes on, and is very extensive! Clearly, 616 is the number that identifies the beast, a number Satan has concealed with his deceptive and misleading replacement with the number 666.

Citing further from Theomatics II, we read the following statement from a publication titled, The Book of Revelation, A Key to Christian Origins, published in 1932:

The figure 616 is given in one of the two best manuscripts., C (Codex Ephraemi Rescripttus, Paris), by the Latin version of Tyconius (DCXVI. Ed. Souter in the Journal of Theo., SE, April, 1913), and by an ancient Armenian version(ed. Conybeare, 1907). Irenaeus knew about it [the 616 reading], but did not adopt it (Haer. V, 30,3); Jerome adopted it (De Monogramm., ed. Dom G. Morin in the Rev. Benedictine, 1903). It is probably original. The number 666 has been substituted for 616 either by analogy with 888, the number of Jesus (Deissmann), or because it is a triangular number, the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6... +36 = 666).

Let us talk just a little about these triangle numbers as mentioned here. What is a triangle number? Referencing James Harrison's book, The Pattern & The Prophecy, we find that they are numbers that can be arranged to form a triangle. The number "1" is considered a triangle number. Next would be the number "3," followed by "6," and then "10," and so on. If you laid out beans for each of these numbers, you would see that in each case they form a triangle - starting at the top with one bean, then below it two more (1 + 2 = 3), then three more below that (1 + 2 + 3 = 6), then four more (1 +2 + 3 + 4 = 10), and so on.

What is the significance of this? A triangle number is considered to be a complete unit. 1 is of course representative of God, who is one. 3 attests to the trinity of God. 6 is man or the number of days of creation. 10 we will discuss later in this writing. Other interesting triangle numbers pointed out by Harrison are 45, or "Adam (created in God's triangle image)" and 1,081, "God's Holy Spirit."

There are two other numbers that are most striking - 153 and 666. 153 is the number of the Remnant. For example, there were 153 fish caught by the disciples after fishing all night and catching no fish (the night period of Christianity), until Yahshua came onto the shore and directed them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat (the right side was the side of a man that was anointed in order to enter into priesthood). 153 is also the numeric value of Lazarus' name, the second Remnant man who was brought out from his own darkness of death. And the list goes on.

It is a curious and most revealing thing that Harrison, who is very classic Christianity with its end time, mark of the beast antichrist, 666, wrath ideas, points out that 666 is a triangular number, with the comment - "Yet perhaps the most bewildering of all such numbers is that of the Antichrist, 666." Bewildering? Why? Maybe it is "bewildering" because they have the wrong identification for what that number truly means.

It is equally most interesting that 6 is the only digit that is duplicated as a triangle number. In other words, not only is 6 a triangle number, but so is 66, and of course so is 666. All three of these numbers make it on the triangle number pattern. No other digit does this, making these combinations of 6 most relevant. (For your curiosity, 6666 is not a triangle number; only the first three.)

Many scholars believe the 666 from Revelation 13:18 is really 616 - sonstoglory.com/Jesus/666-616.htm

Thus, with it established that 616 is the original number given by John, and that 666 is indeed a most interesting and obviously significant triangle number, we are left with the question of what 666 really means. Based on the fact that Satan calls good evil, we can conclude that, to the consternation and bewilderment of Christianity and society, 666 is actually a good number; and this is precisely what we find!

When are you ever going to get angry for being so lied to and deceived? And this is only the part of it. It is absolutely amazing how much Satan has corrupted the truth and altered Yahweh's word. This corruption of His word is in fact the "abomination of desolation" of the temple. The temple, the kingdom of God, has been desolated by Satan for 2,000 years! The abomination of desolation is not something that is yet to take place, nothing that is going to happen in some anticipated temple in Jerusalem. That is only one more lie. The kingdom "temple" has become so leavened and corrupted for so long, that Satan's lies are accepted as established church doctrine. Anathema!

If 666 is such a bad number, then one would expect it to be used in a bad setting in the Bible. Wouldn't that make sense? If a number is bad, it would be consistently bad. So is that what we find? Del Washburn, in all of his research, does not think so. But let us look at the Scriptures ourselves.

666 is used only two times in the Bible. Of course this does not include the false and deceptive insertion of 666 in Revelation 13. It is first found in the accounting of the amount of gold Solomon received in one year for building the temple. The second time is in Ezra 2:13 where we read - "the sons of Adonikam, 666." Surely if 666 was some beast number, Yahweh would identify this number with something bad; so what is it that "Adonikam" means? One thing for certain, no Christian prophecy teacher references this passage to advance his mark of the beast end time teaching. Adonikam means - "the Lord of rising"! So, if you put the phrase together with the number, it says - "the Lord of rising 666." We will examine the significance of this shortly.

Who was Adonikam? He was one of the leaders of those who came out of captivity from Babylon to help rebuild the temple. So how could a man whose name means "the Lord of rising," and who came out of captivity to rebuild the temple of Yahweh, be some beast? The fact is, as we will continue to see, 666 is never associated with the beast. In fact to the contrary, it is the 666 who will conquer the beast and rebuild the temple. Let us now spend more time examining Solomon's receipt of 666 talents of gold.

In addition to the 666 talents of gold, as we have noted, there was one other quantity of gold mentioned. It is recorded that Solomon also received 120 talents from Hiram (1 Kings 9:14), the King of Tyre whom Solomon commissioned to bring all the gold and cedar and cypress for the temple construction, as well as 120 talents from the queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:10).

If 666 is supposedly an evil dubious number, then what kind of number is 120? Both are specifically enumerated quantities of gold which Solomon received; so one would think that if 666 is an evil quantity, then likewise 120 would be evil. But of course 120 is not an evil number, even as 666 is not. 120 is the number of government, elevated to the three digit nations level. There were 120 in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. When the two-part Medo-Persian empire took Babylon, it was placed under the oversight of 120 satraps. Equally, Mystery Babylon will be taken by the glorified two-part Remnant and placed under their oversight. Also, Solomon's temple of gold was 120 cubits high (2 Chronicles 3:4).

So there is certainly nothing evil regarding the 120 talents of gold; thus, why is it concluded that when 666 talents of the same precious element are mentioned, that somehow it is now evil? It cannot be. If 666 talents of gold are evil, then so are the two sets of 120 talents of gold.

The mere fact that 666 is identified with gold should tell one that the number is good. Gold is the element that speaks of the kingdom, of righteousness, even of Yahshua Himself. Jerusalem above was made of "pure gold" (Revelation 21:18), and a gold rod was used to measure it (21:15). Yahshua urged the church to buy from Him "gold refined by fire, that you may become rich" (Revelation 3:18). And if upon the foundation of Yahshua we are told to build with gold (1 Corinthians 3:12), how is it now that this quantity of gold used to build the temple of Yahweh, built by a man who received the kingdom of Yahweh, who was chosen by Yahweh to build this house for Him as an everlasting dwelling (which He entered into with His glory), all of a sudden out of total context of what is taking place here, is some evil beast number? This is nothing more than another dramatic case where Satan has called good evil.

666 talents of gold were received by Solomon to build the temple, not to arrive at some evil deed. 666 talents of gold were received to build the very type of temple that Christians falsely say this beast will come to desolate. Did the 666 talents of gold desolate the temple? No, to the contrary it established the temple!

Likewise, 666 sons of Adonikam, or "the Lord of rising" 666 sons, came out of Babylon to equally rebuild the temple that was torn down. So, whether it was Solomon's temple or Zerubbabel's temple, 666 evidenced something good in both of these temple constructions, and not their desolation. Therefore with certainty we can say that Christianity's assessment of the number 666 is classic Satan, calling good evil.

There is nothing evil taking place in this account involving Solomon, or in the construction of the next temple. Every testimony affirms that the 666 talents of gold which Solomon received the year in which the temple was built is in fact a good number, a kingdom number, a temple number. So what does this number 666 represent? Let us now see.

All Christian beast books point out a contrast of 666 with the number 888. They say that Yahshua is identified with the number 888, which speaks of the perfect Son of Man. But then as if it is evil, they say that 666 is a perfect man, but here taking on the identity of this great charismatic leader who will come and rule the earth for a season and cause their abomination of desolation. This is of course all Bible science fiction, and generates nice incomes for the writers and teachers and producers, as well as builds congregations and even entire denominations. But is it truth? Far from it!

One should ask, if three eights makes something good and perfect, then why does not taking three sixes make something good, or at least better? Granted, one is working with sixes here; and that cannot yet be entirely perfect, since six is the number of man. But frankly, flesh man needs a GREAT degree of help in order to be prepared for the return of Yahshua. While "perfect" earthly 666-man is still not the best prospect, it beats plain old corrupt and deceived 6-man.

We have seen that Solomon received 666 talents of gold in one year at the building of the temple of Yahweh, or perfect man in a quantity of gold. We have seen that Yahweh makes an exception for earthly man to enter into His presence. We have seen that gold represents His kingdom, including the two 120 talents of gold, the 666 talents of gold. Yahweh must take man, a 6, and perfect him into 666 talents of gold, so that we can become His temple, which is precisely that for which this gold was used.

Furthermore, let no man or demon despise that you are the 666 talents of gold. Though Satan may have called this identification evil, he did so to fight against the very identity that will seal his doom - the 666 perfected Remnant gold who will defeat death by ascending alive into heaven, effecting his death and becoming Yahweh's temple. Second Remnant, do not accept Satan's corruption of good, but rejoice and take hope in and proclaim the fact that Yahweh will perfect us and prepare us to ascend alive to be His temple. Rejoice that you are made into a 666, which is good in Yahweh's eyes, a work prepared by Him in order to be with Him!

Furthermore, rejoice that even as Yahshua has ascended alive before us, we His second Remnant will next ascend alive. While Yahshua was the first Adonikam, "the Lord of rising," or the 888; we have the sure testimony that He is also specifically "the Lord of rising 666"! Now that the 888 has risen, it is soon time for the 666 to arise. For it is the second Remnant who must depart, who must arise. It is the second Remnant milch cows who must ascend alive as a savory offering by Yahshua unto Yahweh. It is the second Remnant who are the fulfillment and hope of "the Lord of rising 666" into heaven. This is the hope, this is the work, that Yahweh of hosts provides for His golden 666 second Remnant.

In Luke 1:17 we read that the Elijah work will "make ready a people prepared for the Lord." How will this happen? The Spirit of Yahweh will take plain old 6-man and make him into 666 talents of gold. That is, 666 talents of gold that, as the Elijah work, will be made ready to rise into heaven.

Thus in our examination of this account regarding Solomon, we see in these 666 talents of gold the testimony of the perfected Remnant, and more specifically the promise of the second Remnant. Add this to the two gifts each of 120 talents of gold for the two-part Remnant, and one sees Yahweh's clear evidence of the two-part Remnant who will receive the gold of the kingdom, and arise to be the first in the true glorified temple of Yahweh.

Original full article: http://www.remnantbride.com/theissue2/theissue2.4.html